I went to the dentist today for a cleaning and check-up. My teeth are super clean thanks to a nice Japanese lady. She did a remarkable cleaning. Very thorough. The good news is now that I’m seen by the Navy dentist, cleanings can be scheduled every three months. The dentist also gave me advice to chew Xylitol gum. Something about the xylitol helps fight cavities. I bought some today to try on my run in the morning. If it is tasty, I will send you some! 

We’ve all experienced the dental hygienist wearing a surgical mask and giving you glasses to wear. I’ve always assumed, they don’t want to be any closer to my mouth and the mask provides a nice barrier. In Japan, medical field associates are not the only ones to wear surgical or face masks. ?

Seeing a person wearing a surgical mask in public is pretty common. I associate it with maintaining the “wa.” Someone has a cold or sniffles, they wear a face mask to keep their kooties to themselves. I’ve gotten to he point where I don’t really notice the strangeness of seeing many people a day wearing a face mask in public. Actually, I thought perhaps I should buy some for a problem I’m experiencing. 

Remember the bugs? Well, we purchase the amazing yellow powder and then shake it around the house. 

Twice I have experienced a weird sensation on my hand/wrist after shaking the product. I think the powder has touched my skin and I’m experiencing a reaction. My skin itches and the blood vessels underneath are enlarged. I wash well and apply ice and within 15 minutes the symptoms are gone. However, it doesn’t seem like a good idea to continue to expose myself. I decided to follow the locals and purchase a mask and rubber gloves. I first checked the NEX – no masks. I went to the Japanese drug store and was overwhelmed with choices. Pictures below is the entire selection. 

Zooming in, there are scented masks, kids masks, gender specific masks and even masks with a cut out to fit glasses. I found it interesting many of the mask packages are sold in the quantity of 7. I suppose after a week you should be kootie free. 

Reflecting on my issues, I opted for these masks. The girl on the package was giving me a wink to go kill bugs! I will look beautiful as a big slayer! 

Also in my purchase was poo-pourri for one of our three bathrooms. It is a small house and it seemed a cheaper investment than surgical masks. 

Google translate had me laughing! 

“Then the fragrance-free instantly and deodorant unpleasant after defecation and then to Masu deodorant to hate instant after-free bowel movement for mobile.”

In case you were confused – both defecation and bowel movement are used! ? as well as odor free and hate. Hilarious.