Dave and I have gotten in the habit of grabbing the tuna and mayonnaise onigiri (rice ball) when we need a fast snack. It is easy to pick out at any convenience store. We look for the blue label with the smiley face. Do you see the smiley face on the top of the second column? 

The other one I know I like is the salmon onigiri. It typically has a little bit of cream cheese and/or wasabi under the salmon. 

I decided it was time to step out of my comfort zone. It is time to start trying the many different and unknown options. My first choice was the green one. Not a winner. It was kelp and a sweet eel sauce. Not one to get again. 

Next up, the pink label. It seemed to have a little spice. Lesson learned, the pink label is a good indication for a little spice. 

Google translate told me it was “Tuna made from Misaki.” It tasted like spicy tuna. An option to buy again. 

Google Translate described this one as “broiled sashimi.” It was ok. The fish was cooked and had green onions mixed in. I felt like I had fishy onion breath after I ate it. Not sure I’m going get a gold one again. 

I hope you can appreciate the courage it took to step out of my comfort zone and try something new. Three flavors tested and I liked one – the pink. I will continue my research and taste others. Stay tuned! 

Ps. On a more somber note, please keep the sailors and families of the USS John McCann in your thoughts during this difficult time. ❤️??⚓️?