Finding Beauty with Imperfection

Athens to Milos

Today we caught the SeaJet II ferry to Milos.

We left Athens on the 7:40am ferry. To be sure we had plenty of time – our transfer delivered us an hour early. There was a little bit of drama getting our voucher turned into a ticket. Bottom line it worked out just fine. It was a 3 hour ferry ride to the island of Milos. Most of which I snoozed on and off. Here’s a couple pics of the transit.

Athens to Milos
An island along the transit with so many windmills.
Approaching Milos
Hello Milos!

Our next transfer promptly picked us up and we were at the hotel in minutes. Unfortunately, it was too early for check in. So we decided to grab lunch and then head out on our hike. We found a spot for lunch and they were still serving breakfast- or not using the oven. So we opted for a salad.

Mediterranean Salad

This was at the restaurant. It was a place to tie up your dog. The ice cream cone is a trash can. And there is a cat who all the employees would pet.

So cute

It was almost 1pm by the time we finished lunch and grabbed some water. It was warm and sunny with a delightful breeze as we started our 9.5km hike. The views were spectacular.

I must bring attention to all the doors in Greece. They are so welcoming and cute. Oh and plus the cats!🐈 they were everywhere today. I’ll make a separate post about all the nekos. They were the best. Here are a few of my favorites.

As we hiked up the mountain side – the views were even more stunning. We finally reached the town of Plaka. It was picturesque in every way.

At the top of the hike, we were pretty hot and ready for a break. We enjoyed ice cream in the shade. I was so hot and thirsty – I forgot to snap a picture of my lemon ice cream and my Mom’s mango ice cream. It was a delicious treat. We started back down the hillside and again the views didn’t disappoint.

The trail was so dusty. I was so sweaty. 🥵 we finally made it to the coast. I truly wanted to dive into the water! But we still had about a mine and a half left.

As we left the coast, we had to climb up these stairs. 😰 Glad I’ve been doing squats!

I counted 56 stairs…

We continued our journey back to town and we were passed by a tractor. As we followed him, he stopped at his house and all his cats came out to see him. So cute

By the time we made it back to town it was a bit after 5 pm. We were both almost out of water. We noticed a restaurant near our hotel and decided to head there for a beverage before showers. This was the BEST beer of the trip so far. Whew! About a 5.6 mile hike. Beer me! and pass me the home made fries!

Look who joined us for snacks…

Tomorrow we are catching another early morning ferry to the island of Kimolos for a 15km hike. This time the ferry ride is short (20 minutes) and we are starting earlier. Plus we are stocked with water. Good night!


Sequoia National Park


Hiking Kimolos Island


  1. Carolyn Thomas

    Loved all of the pictures. What a beautiful hike…gorgeous scenery!

    • wabisabisole

      Thank you for following our journey! Greece is absolutely beautiful.

  2. Audry T Oxley

    A train loves wandering Jules’ travel rambles!

    Miss you chica!

    • wabisabisole

      Thanks for following along, my friend! I hope your travels go well. Miss you!

  3. Catherine Story


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