Today was hectic. As hectic as the day before a two week American vacation should be expected to be!
1. I needed to meet with my friend who is emptying our dehumidifiers while we are away. Yes, that’s a real concern. Thank you, Jenn, for keeping our house mold free!
2. I had my Thursday English class from 10-12. Followed by a mani/pedi rescheduled appointment from yesterday at 1:00pm on Main Base. In between, I wanted to drop off two bags for donation at the NMCRS. They are only open the first and third Thursday from 9-1:00.
I packed mani/pedi clothes and shoes just in case I needed to change in the car from teacher clothes. Being a former swimmer, I can change easily and modestly just about anywhere!
Things became hectic when English class ran late. I was cutting it close getting to my salon appointment on time and I needed to drop the donation. While stuck at a train crossing, I slipped off my skirt and put on my slouchy pants. At the next stoplight, I called the salon to say I would be about 5 minutes late. No problem. After dropping my donation at 12:57, another car was backing up. I used these 30 seconds to change from a teacher shirt and cardi to a comfy tshirt. At 1:03 I checked into my appointment at the salon.
Whew. The appointment was relaxing. I drove the Hooptie over to Dave’s work and left it for him to drive home and I took the train. Finally at home, I sat down on the couch. I was proud of my well managed day. I pulled my hair into a pony tail and touched my ears to make sure my birdie earrings were still there. This is a habit I easily do a dozen times a day. Nope. The left one was missing. My heart sank. Dave gave me the birdie earrings easily 11-12 years ago. I was so sad. I checked my closet and shower. Nothing. I sent Dave a text, breaking the bad news. When he came home, he brought in my bag of car changing teacher clothes. I searched through. Nothing. We ate dinner and I explained my day. As I was cleaning the dishes, he grabbed a flashlight. He went to the car to look for my earring. I reminded him to look for the backing, too. Not even five minutes later he came back with my left birdie earring. I’ll be honest, I cried when I hugged him super tight. I was so happy.
I can add this to the list of things my husband has found for me.
1. I lost one of these earrings within the first six months. He found it.
2. I lost two diamonds out of my wedding band as we were leaving for vacation. He found them when we returned!
3. And now, the second time I lost a birdie earring.
He has officially won the title of “Eagle Eye” and obviously, my heart forever.
Ps. I’m so excited to vacation! See you soon!
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