Sometimes things don’t go quite as I planned when I’m traveling. I have taken the wrong train when I needed to switch trains and ended up back where I started. I have taken the west exit coming out of the train station instead of the east and walked a country mile to get back where I started. I am using google maps each of these times and yet, the situation is overwhelming. So much information coming at me in a language I don’t understand and in a place completely unfamiliar. Usually, these mistakes are laughable and don’t cost anything but time and calories expended.
A whole different cost occurred today. I ventured out to Costco solo for my kale and fizzy water staples. This was my third trip and I thought it would be breezy. I set my google map and headed on my way. I have to take a toll road and I haven’t set up the ETC (fast pass) yet on our car. So, I had change ready to pay the nice ticket booth person. First booth no problem.

Each tollbooth gives a receipt
I had my ¥360 ready and even executed a perfect “ohayo goziamasu” (good morning). Smooth sailing.
Until, I missed my exit. After I just paid the toll. I was taken on a beautifully designed flyover / pass under with bridges and tunnels. It was an engineering feat. And ¥1300. Yep. That missed turn cost me $13. Seriously. And if you notice the time between the two receipts, it was only six minutes. One heck of a ride!?!

Ridiculous. I had been warned of this happening and was told to tell the tollbooth person “I missed my exit.” I did say that to him and he proceeded to take out a lamented sheet with pictures of different vehicles. He point at the car picture and said ¥1300. Good grief. Glad I had cash. A lesson learned our first week. Always carry a lot of yen.
Google maps continues to assist. I make a legal u-turn. And go back onto the same flyover in the opposite direction. I’m dreading the tollbooth at this point. Fortunately, it was a small price compared to the previous one and only¥300.

The time stamp is at the bottom – 10:29. 4 minutes to u-turn. Grrr
After this the trip was uneventful. I received a message from my friend, Audry, during this whole fiasco. She is on the east coast. After realizing she was still awake, I called her when I arrived at Costco. I needed a familiar voice to calm me down from the frustration and help me step back from the ledge and breathe. Japan is wonderful. This experience is amazing and overwhelming. Some days, I crave the familiar, the normal, the ability to function in auto pilot and not always be so alert. I just wanted to go to Costco!! It’s such a lame day.
I know I must sound really pathetic. It’s google maps. How difficult can it be? To help you understand why it is easier to navigate in the car with two people, I snapped this screenshot of the google map route home while I was stopped at a light.

I have Siri programmed to speak English. All she will say is “in 70m, turn right.” While trying to drive, look at the kanji or maybe romaji figures and determine where to turn.
Post Costco, the day was delightful. Friday night date night meeting up with my love for dinner. Small hurdles are part of the experience. Dave and I debrief our day during dinner and honestly this experience was shadowed by 4 phone conversations (Carmen, Jennifer, Audry & my Mom) and multiple messenger conversations (Sara/Sue/Rox, Michelle, Merri, and Tiff). If you wonder if you make a difference in my day by sending a message, the answer is – Yes! Emphatically, yes. I miss you all with a heart full of love. Xoxo
PS. Carry an extra $20 in your wallet – just in case!