The packers don’t pack liquids that have been opened, so prior to the move, I had to use up and pass off most of my lotions. The only one remaining was a travel size container and for obvious reasons, it is nearly empty.
I needed a solution, stat! My first thought was online shopping. I had great luck with Athleta shipping to a FPO address already and I was hoping for the same luck with my favorite lotion company, Lush. I read the shipping information on the Lush website and sure enough they ship to FPO addresses. Great! Unfortunately, after filling my virtual shopping cart, I was unable to find the FPO selection. Hmmm. After a second Google search, I learned there are two Lush stores very near to me. Both in Yokohama! Google map showed me a quick 34 minute train ride to my desired destination. Fantastic. Off I went.

The train ride was uneventful finding Lush was an adventure. Turns out, the Yokohama station has a HUGE mall above it and below it. Yes, above and below! 9 floors. I attempted to look at the directory to determine where the Lush store was located. However, the sign was overwhelming with all the kanji.

Instead I used my Google map to help me locate it. Google map for the win again! Fortunately, the store was on street level making Google effective. I could actually smell the store before I saw the sign.

The ladies in the store were very polite and helpful. They provided me with an English catalog to help me identify the products. (Side note: she didn’t assume English – she offered me French or English. I’m assuming maybe I look Canadian because it’s a Canadian company.)
I was able to make my purchases and complete my transactions without causing international incidents or feeling silly. I used the tray to place my card, gave and received items with both hands and bowed slightly with “Arigatōgozaimas.” Remember, that means “thank you very much.”
It is also customary when purchasing something from a nicer store for the bag to be taped shut. We experienced this when we went to Sports Authority, but not when we got to the ¥100 store. Today, the sales clerk also wrapped the paper bag in a plastic bag. I’m guessing because it was raining. Notice the tape on the handle.

Finally, my purchases. With the cute English catalog she let me use and insisted I take.

My absolute favorite lotion. It’s smells like bananas.

I read the description for the soap jelly and I had to try it! From the Lush website: “Whether you’ve run a marathon or walked a mile this bright wobbly jelly will soothe aches and pains and send lingering cramps on their way.” After last weekends Mt. Fuji climb, our quads are still achy!

I also purchased toothy tabs. I was introduced to these by my sister in law, Michelle. They provide spectacular fresh breath.

Finally, I picked up some lip scrub. Not as necessary now with the high humidity, but I’m hoping fall is right around the corner.

Having most of the label in Japanese is kind of fun. Like hey, I’m in Japan buying my favorite stuff. Honestly, the world is pretty small. Simultaneously, there is something to be said for the comfort a favorite smell provides.