Coca-Cola Plus is available only in Japan. It is described as a “healthy” soda.
I know, I’m thinking the same thing, “what could possibly make a soda healthy?” Coca-Cola Plus claims it’s the added fiber that makes it healthy. It’s is also a zero calorie soda. Despite not having sugar, it tastes super sweet and flat… I guess it lost all its fizz in the first pour.
According to Google Translate, the white writing in the middle red line says:
“Suppresses the absorption of fat ingested from the meal, raising the neutral fat in the blood, and additional sugars.” Hmmmm.. suppresses the absorption of fats and sugar? Sounds too good to be true and surely without consequences!
From my research, I learned about several people experiencing a fluid bowel movement. It reminded me of the late 1990’s Olestra potato chip. Today was the perfect rainy day to conduct further research and try the beverage myself. As I typed up this blog, I consumed the entire soda. That was no small feat!
I waited an hour to see if I experienced any of the said side effects. Fortunately, I didn’t. And I feel no need to purchase Coca-Cola Plus again.
On another fun note, we went to our favorite Sushiro for lunch with our Chick-Fil-A sauce. The chicken was more delicious than I expected! Thank you, friends for sending delightful goodness.
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