Sunday, 8/7/2016, my favorite day of the year… Because it’s my birthday!! Dave took me to breakfast at the Officer’s Club. It was a super treat for this birthday girl not to have to eat Cornflakes. We have been eating the free continental breakfast provided by the Lodge each morning and I’m growing tired of Cornflakes.

After breakfast, I showed Dave how to use the trains and we went out to our house in Ikego Hills. It was fun to share the excitement of our future home. Why is it enduring the next 10 days seem longer than the 3 years we will be stationed here!?! I am super excited to move in and have our stuff arrive.

After visiting Ikego, we took the train to Zushi.  Zushi is one stop further from the train stop by our house and also the end of the line for that train.

Zushi is a popular beach town with little beach shanties selling food and beverages. We mainly went for a reconnaissance mission and were a little surprised to see this sign.

Incase you can’t read the sign… I zoomed in for you.

Just wearing my tank top and skirt I was under-dressed for the beach. I didn’t even feel comfortable walking down for a beer. Instead of grabbing a beer, we stopped at the next vending machine and walked around a little bit more and eventually made our way back to the train. During our walk we discussed how I would need to order a swim shirt ASAP and waterproof band-aids to cover my ankle tat. What strikes me as funny is that I’ve been exposing both my tattoos since we have arrived. Dave explained the reason they have to be covered at the beach was a result of increased gang activity and tattoos were identifying gang affiliations. Hmmmmm….

None the less, the view pretty spectacular and dressed in my swim shirt, we will be back!!

For dinner we went to the highly reviewed Sushi – go – Round. I have only heard about these restaurants and decided my birthday was the perfect night to partake in the local tradition.

We were given our menu and directed to table 62. You seat yourself and order from the call box on the table if you want beverages (beer) or something off the menu. Otherwise, you pick up plates of sushi as it passes your table.

The Sushi – go – Round. Grab a plate when it has something you would like to eat.