Finding Beauty with Imperfection

Category: Kawaii


Monday morning we caught the Keikyu line train to Shinagawa. I know I already mentioned the Keikyu Line and Rilakkuma campaign. I must mention it again because we have enjoyed spotting cute trains and bears. Check out the giant Rilakkuma in Shinagawa Station. So, cute.

From Shinagawa we caught the 10:07 Shinkansen to Hiroshima. Again, I was so excited.

I took a video as we waited for our train.

The train ride was about four hours. We bought lunch for the trip – bento boxes and Japanese sandwiches.

Plus, kawaii company with the adorable Rilakkuma characters dressed as Keikyu Train Conductors.

Our train arrived four hours later. We caught a taxi to our hotel, dropped our bags and headed to the Hiroshima Peace Park. Our first stop was to see the Atomic Bomb Dome.

We were pleasantly surprised to still see Sakura in bloom. The girls stopped and rang the Peace Bell. As all the tourist ring the bell, the sound brings a calling for peace. It’s beautiful.

Our next stop was at the Cenotaph. The Eternal Flame ignited us with hope for peace.

After visiting the museum, we walked to the fountain. Danny snapped this picture of the girls. To me it symbolizes the power of peace. He has also taken many other pictures I’ve used in sharing their story. I appreciate having an extra shutterbug and an iPhone 8 Plus.

We made our way out of the park and enjoyed more Sakura and tulips.

Kawaii Monster Cafe

The first time I went to Harajuku, I saw the Kawaii Monster Cafe and knew I would need to make a visit.

I made several inquiries to friends who had visited. Their feedback, over priced and average food, caused me to push this towards the bottom of my list of things to do. However, if the situation presented itself, I knew I would seize the chance to go. A couple weeks ago, Katie and I decided to take Virginia and her friend, Kailey once school was out. We met on the train and enjoyed the trip together. Check out the girls and their outfits. They created them themselves! Kawaii!

Katie was able to make us reservations at 11:30. We were the first group seated! Talk about head of the line privilege!

Before being seated, you have a choice of where you would like to sit. Virginia and Kailey selected the Mushroom Box for us.

We ordered our lunch set. Our lunch set included a main dish, drink, and soft cream and cost $27 each! Yes, a little expensive. It was surprisingly delicious. I had low expectations based on reviews and I was pleasantly surprised. Katie and I each ordered the Teriyaki Chicken Rice bowl and the girls each ordered chicken and waffles.

The soft cream was well, kawaii!

The restaurant had so much kawaii. I mean so much. From the rotating cake stage, to the ceiling, the tables, and even the bathroom!

The chandelier and sink in the bathroom. Those are bouncy balls!

Plus, there was a show. A bit of a song and dance. The huge kawaii character was indeed kawaii!!

I took a video of the show. There is so much going on and there are only three characters! I apologize for the quality of the video. It’s hilarious and worth watching regardless.

No trip to Harajuku with a kid is complete without a cotton candy mountain. Two, please, for these kawaii girls! Thank goodness for wet wipes.

Virginia and Kailey also worked on their modeling poses by the Harajuku Kawai clock and pink Christmas tree!

It was a fun afternoon. I would definitely go back for a special occasion. Like if a friend visits with her daughters. I’m glad I was able to go with the girls. I don’t think Dave would have been keen on a date night here.

Sweet Treat Thursday 

For several duty stations, I developed a habit of baking for Dave’s command on Wednesdays for him to take to work on Thursday mornings. I think it started in Memphis because I wanted one brownie. Not a whole tray. I baked the tray of brownies and cut out one of the center ones and sent the rest of the tray to Dave’s work. The rest is history. I crave a sweet, bake it, and send the rest to Dave’s office. My favorite cookie to make is salted caramel chocolate chip cookies. They are delicious and a crowd pleaser. 

Living in Japan has enabled me to step up the presentation of sweet treats for command MWR fundraisers. 

I wrapped two cookies in each bag. I simply printed the cute labels. Kawaii! 

For ¥100, I was able to purchase 6 bags. The closest ¥100 store is one train stop away in the Shinzushi train station. Yes, I don’t even have to leave the train station to shop! It’s not the amazing four-story Daiso near Yokohama but, it had the perfect little baggies for tomorrow’s sweet treats. Kawaii bags are part of my list of things I love about Japan! 

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