Not every day is filled with amazing views. Some are filled with amazing accomplishments. Today, I went to the Japanese grocery store. The name of the grocery store is Yorkmart and it is a 7-10 minute drive from the house depending on how many trains you encounter. I usually go weekly. For the most part, I’m familiar with the store. My mission was to purchase the items for the rice dish I made last week at my Japanese cooking lesson – Takikomi Gohan. 

Armed with my list from the recipe and the pictures I took that day, I ventured to Yorkmart- solo. 

I was so proud of myself for finding the Dashi & Mirin. 

The Dashi was simple because the picture I had matched the bottle. For the Mirin, I had to ask the clerk. In Japanese. Sumimasen – excuse me. And then I pointed to the picture on my phone. Ok, maybe I cheated a little. But, I was in the right aisle. The remainder of the ingredients were pretty easy to find. 

Shiitake mushrooms 

Shimeji mushrooms 

Burdock root

Bamboo shoot


(And carrots – had them already) 

I was so proud of myself, I felt like skipping out of the store. It may seem like a pathetic accomplishment- grocery shopping. Please, come visit and I will take you on the most overwhelming experience of your life!! A trip to the Japanese grocery store!! Happy Friday!