One of my new friends, Laila, asked me to go with her to a yarn shop in Yokosuka to purchase knitting supplies. We met this morning and went for a walk to find the shop. She read on their website they offer classes at the store and on base spoken in English. She thought it would be fun for us to go and take a class or two…
Perhaps you are thinking, I didn’t know you knitted. I don’t. I’ve been taught at least twice. Once by my mom and once by a neighbor. I usually make it about three rows before I make a mistake and then I give up because I don’t know how to fix it. When she mentioned knitting class, I cringed inside. Then I thought, well, maybe learning in Japan will be the trick. Plus, you know what they say, “third time is a charm.” Here are a few pictures of the shop.
Besides yarn, they also had buttons. A whole wall of buttons.
From the upstairs, you have an excellent view of how the Japanese use every inch or centimeter.
It was fun to look at the different yarns and the pricing. I have no idea what it means because I don’t knit and it’s in Japanese. But, it’s cute!!
I love the pineapple hat!
Laila purchased a few knitting needles for a project she is working on. While checking out, she asked the cashier about knitting classes. (By this point, they were using Google translate to communicate.) all of the sudden, out of no where, a man appears who speaks excellent English and Japanese. He proceeds to translate. He explains the classes are offered in the shop on Tuesdays. The teacher only speaks Japanese. What about classes on base? No. Not enough interest. Saved by the language barrier. I did however feel badly for being secretly relieved when Laila was so disappointed. Perhaps next time I see her I will suggest we have a “knitting club” that drinks wine.
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