Morale Welfare and Recreation (MWR) hosted a pumpkin run here in Ikego. I signed Dave and I up at the beginning of the month. Unfortunately, he had to work this morning. Instead, I asked Dina to run with me. I promised her a tshirt and a pumpkin! 

The course was almost a 5k. The route took us through the woods to the Ikego campground where they had set up a pumpkin patch. 

We were each able to pick a pumpkin of our choice. The only trick, we had to carry  it to the end of the run and then carry it home!! 

We both picked pretty large pumpkins to carry. In the sage words of my friend, Sara, “go big or go home.” In this case, go big and carry it home! 

MWR also set up obstacles on the return route. We decided to skip them… 

It was a fun run aka walk. I’m happy to report, I didn’t fall and both of our pumpkins made it home in one piece! 
