We have been anticipating the arrival of Typhoon Jongdari since Monday. The various paths had it hitting close to Yokosuka.
Regardless, of the actual path, we were expecting strong winds and heavy rain by 3:00 pm on Saturday.
The heavy rain actually started around 3:30 pm and is expected to continue through the night.
The storm pulled all the moisture out of the area. As a result, the weather on Friday was delightful. Less humid and lower temperatures. It was a great night for baseball. Dave and I went to the Yokosuka Baystars AAA baseball game Friday night with a group of people from his work.
Red Sox and Cubs represented.
The biggest cheering section of the game! They were hysterical!
This morning, the weather still wasn’t terrible. The humidity had returned and it was a little drizzly. Zushi Beach was deserted. The Beach cabanas were packed up in preparation for the incoming storm.
The storm doesn’t seem to be too bad. We have experienced worse. I think we will weather Typhoon Jongdari just fine!
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