Earlier this week, Yasuko-San called to tell me our Friday English class would need to be cancelled. That gave me a whole day to do – whatever! Happy Friday to me!
Dina also had a free day and we planned to go to collect more sea glass at Sea Glass Beach. Unfortunately, Mother Nature had other plans for the day. It never rained but, remained overcast and cool. Not so much beach weather.
Instead, we decided to venture up to Motomachi shopping district in Yokohama. Here is the gateway welcoming shoppers.

Motomachi 500m upscale shopping street in Yokohama. It is located between Chinatown and Yamashita Park. Here was our route on the train.

The street was filled with a couple of familiar stores.

There were also a variety of other stores. Like this men’s purse store. The St. Bernard bag was too cute! The sexy lady men’s pins were just weird.

Speaking of purses, I did buy a new purse from Kitamura2.

I’ve been searching for a new crossbody bag to replace my tired Longchamp bag. This purse was a 40th birthday present from my Mom before we went to Paris. I have enjoyed carrying for the past two years so much. It is absolutely perfect. If Longchamp still made it, I would buy at least two more in blue and black. Considering the miles and continents it has travelled, it’s in pretty great shape… just like me! Ha

Today, I welcomed Blue Boy into my life. He is cute, functional, multicolored, and my first Japanese purse. He has a few more zippers than Longchamp and a very big job to fill.

I was so thankful to have Dina along with me. She provided sound support as I invested in my new traveling companion (my new purse) and she provided comic relief at a fine leather goods establishment. First, you must stick your hand in his mouth. Which I did… it was furry and warm.

And then there was the all-American fire truck… in Japan.

The best was helping Dina find a new hat… maybe not this one.

It’s Japanese size!

And there was the incident with the BIG chair. Honestly, I wanted to sit in it. I was just too scared of making a scene! A selfie will have to do.

One more place to mention as we walked through Motomachi was the adorable pet store. Kawaii!!!

These two puppies were ridiculous. The first one will not get bigger than a soda can. He was only ¥199,800 or about $1800. 
This little fluffy friend was ¥299,900. For shock factor, let’s say $3,000. (I know, I rounded the wrong way) by the time you buy supplies he will be that much! Crazy cuteness.

We reached the other end of Motomachi and we were ready for food.

We decided to head to Chinatown for lunch. On our way, we passed this adorable group of teenagers. Pandas in Chinatown, of course.

Eventually, we found a delicious sushi restaurant in Chinatown. Tuna rice bowl made complete with a grapefruit Hi-Ball and corn on my salad.

Tuna rice bowl…. Nom nom nom…

As we headed back to the train, we saw our Panda friends again. This time, the were more than willing to pose! Kawaii!

Happy Friday! May we always have a good friend(s) to laugh, shop, and drink with! Kanpie!